It follows that the value basis to construct second instance procedure is expounded and proved. It is held that the existence of second instance procedure depend on the benefit value and efficiency value of contentious procedure. 其次分析论证了建构第二审程序的价值基础,认为第二审程序存在的根据在于诉讼程序的效益价值和效率价值。
Standard of Justice in the Contentious Procedure 浅析诉讼程序的正义标准
Analyzing from the behavior mode value, the procedure is a surplus procedure exactly and it is unfavorable to the value of realizing the contentious procedure. 从行为发生说的认识论角度和侦查启动模式价值选择观分析,立案程序在整个刑事诉讼系统中不是一个必须程序,而恰恰是一个多余的程序,不利于实现诉讼程序的价值。
On the Basic Value of the Contentious Procedure 诉讼程序基本价值
The construction of the exclusionary rule for illegal words evidence is favorable to the criminal contentious procedure of our country and guarantee of citizen's right, and accords with the international criminal judicial development trend. 构建我国非法言词证据排除规则的基本设想非法言词证据排除规则的确立有利于保障刑事诉讼的公正,保护公民的合法权利,并且符合国际刑事司法发展的趋势。
In our country, it is a method of service for community which used the most extensively and the most successfully besides contentious procedure, and is a way which welcome by the broad masses and society at the basic level deeply. 在我国,它是除诉讼程序外,运用得最广泛、最成功,并深受广大群众和基层社会欢迎的一种纠纷解决途径和社区服务方式。
Pinned down by modern consular jurisdiction, China and Egypt Mixed Court was different in production, development, organization and contentious procedure of the court, including law application, judge status and historical role and respectively had their own characteristics. 中国与埃及同为受近代领事裁判权牵制的国家,其混合法庭的产生、发展以及组织和诉讼程序,包括法律的适用、法官地位和历史作用等方面都有各自不同的特点。
Part one firstly gives a summary to the char-acteristics of family trial system, which are the main marks distinguished from the oth-er civil law procedures, especially the common contentious procedure. 第一部分中,首先对家事审判制度的特征进行了概括,这些特征是家事审判制度区别于其他民事司法程序,尤其是普通诉讼程序的主要标志。
The impartiality and efficiency are basic values of the contentious procedure. 公正和效率是诉讼程序的基本价值。
The conciliation proceedings is the optimization grouping which realizes the case and contentious procedure in front of the front yard, it is just with one of the best ways of efficiency to reflect. 庭前调解程序是实现案件与诉讼程序的优化组合,体现公正和效率的最佳途径之一。
Become two major value goals that modern contentious procedure pursue with benefit just, the appearance of the summary procedure, in order to coordinate the contradiction between the two, thus judicial resources that better favourable terrain is limited, ensure the realization of defendant's lawsuit right. 公正与效益成为现代诉讼程序所追求的两大价值目标,简易程序的出现就是为了协调二者之间的矛盾,从而更好地利用有限的司法资源,保障被告人诉讼权利的实现。
Thirdly, the sort of contentious proceedings and noncontentious proceedings and the crisscross of contentious jurisprudence and noncontentious jurisprudence demand establishing a new field of solving disputes, namely, the principle of making procedure become noncontentious. 再次,讼与非讼的分类,诉讼法理与非讼法理之交错也需要确立一种新的解纷领域,此即诉讼程序非讼化原理。
Have not reached an agreement as a result of mediating, law case shifts to contentious procedure voluntarily. 经调解未达成协议的,案件自动转入诉讼程序。
It does not accord with the procedure in the just place that the following exists at present in the civil contentious procedure of our country. 我国的民事诉讼程序当前存在如下不符合程序公正的地方。
Self has the mediation another aspect, the purpose mediating are decided opposing procedure outward appearance, the person and contentious procedure mingle with each other having led to procedure law and doubleness that entity law restrains softens, cause grave effects on judiciary and authority of court. 另一方面,调解的目的决定调解本身具有反程序外观,其与诉讼程序交织在一起导致了程序法与实体法约束的双重软化,对司法和法院权威造成严重影响。
Come the main body of a book to be resolved thinking that this kind dispute passes contentious procedure mainly. 本文认为,此类纠纷主要通过诉讼程序来解决比较恰当。
In the civil procedural theories and systems, on the basis of substantive rights contentious or not, civil cases are classified into litigation ones and non-contentious ones, and there are litigation procedure and non-contentious procedure to match. 根据在实体权利上有无讼争性,大陆法系的民事诉讼理论和制度把民事事件分为诉讼事件和非讼事件,程序法上与此对应有诉讼程序与非讼程序之分。
At Chinese juridical practice, all the testimony and other verbal evidence just as the statement of the accused and the statement of the victim appear in the contentious procedure in the form of investigation files in which they are recorded. 在中国司法实践中,证人证言和其他言词证据,例如被告人陈述、被害人陈述等,都是以案卷笔录为载体存在于刑事诉讼中的。
Secondly, the defect exists on a series of links in the civil contentious procedure of our country, have influenced the realization of the just value of the procedure. 其次,我国民事诉讼程序在一系列环节上存在缺陷,影响了程序公正价值的实现。
In the dualistic legal theories of civil procedure, as the counterpart to contentious procedure, non-contentious procedure is a judicial relief for the corporate disputes. 非讼程序是公司纠纷解决的一种司法救济途径,在民事诉讼程序法理二元化理论中,它与诉讼程序相对应。
But because of legislate up of not perfect, operational not norm, the pertaining to crime subsidiary civil action all exists not a few problems in the legis and the juridical practice, prejudice in safeguard the lawful right and interests of victim on the contentious procedure. 但是,由于立法上的不完善,操作上的不规范,刑事附带民事诉讼在立法及司法实践中均存在不少问题,不利于在诉讼程序上保护被害人的合法权益。